January 30, 2023 My JournaL: The House of Albert

Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes,78000 France

The Providence of God will not fail in delivering you a better world.  

MMXII January 30, 2023 UTC+12: My Journal:  Last week I had a driver check for messages at Inbursa and there were none.   As I came home today I notice what mess the office building looks like when coming upstairs.  Inasmuch as we want to paint and keep up the building,  Albert legs do not match his determination. So when you come to the office you might look at the outside just before coming upstairs and say what a mess, it needs painting.   It seems no matter how hard Albert tries to paint, it just keeps getting worse and worse.  To Albert, his painting is a work of art.  I  don’t have the heart to yell at Albert anymore about his painting.  But somehow we have to work around Albert, get the building painted and hope he does not get his feelings hurt.   The Holy Spirit loves Albert very much and so do we in the community.  Albert is well loved by most of the community.  


Our phones and internet services were paid and secured three years in advance.  I have no complaints about phone service.  Our office doors are also open Monday-Friday 12-5.

  • Tips:  Important receipts are valuable and some fade in a couple of years even quicker if they are exposed.
  • Preserve your important receipts in sealed plastic and this reduces their breakdown. 
  • Make sure to scan your receipts off line and make copies of your receipts. If you do not like the receipt given to you, ask for a statement or something handwritten if they offer that service. Those usually last longer. 
  • Most purchases for common things come with receipt and guarantees for only a limited time.  Make sure to not mix regular receipts with your important reciepts.

These tips might sound odd by the times call for it. Even a perfectly documented defense in trying to recuperate your money or guarantee can result in an injustice.  Injustices are a symptom of greater problems and one of the reasons businesses regulation, police, government regulation and the world crown work hard for you every day.


Banking & Business

Banking remains generally stable but there are still problems.   Countries which are traditionally poor have their capitalism or systems of trade and commerce attacked more.  Communist rumors are circulating among common people about the closing of OXXOs which are small little stores.  Poor people become communists because of poverty and disparity.  But communism will make them even poorer.  Communism is a brutal form of government and simple people are not told, but are taught to be brutal.  Communism is a white supremacy atheist and heretic form of government which insures the principles of English socialism and those who become communist have no idea what white supremacy socialist /communist plans await them.  In communism, simple people are given these lofty ideas of a godless world where workers are united inside leaderless tyrannical governments with fictitious supreme leaders.   Only our Holy Spirit can save simple and good people who have become communists without needing guns or weapons.   Government must have good visible leadership and no deception. With the exception of the world crown, in every form of government there is way to much corruption and deception these days all over the world and only the judgment of God can save us from the corrupt few who want to control the many. Corruption extends into business, banking, organization and medicine as well.  We have given the major components of government, businesses, education and organizations, solutions and when they don’t follow our leadership which works to protect people more than they do, things break down.  Those new people who have risen to power in every form of tyranny who ignore us and think they are this world’s rightful leaders need to repent for the needs of the many outweigh the corruption of the few. 


Rio Piaxtla Information:

Street access to our house at 113 Rio Piaxtla, is still open, but that could change. 113 Rio Piaxtla is another way to find me.  If I am not there, make sure to ask for my Mother Mercedes or Pablo.  My mother Mercedes and Pablo together will bring you right to my office doors.  Only important visits please.  If you get conspired against trying to find me, I apologize in advance.  I have a very serious international conspiracy set against me by people who qualify to be judged by God and for crimes of conspiracy more serious than you can imagine.  I pray to the Holy Spirit to help everyone understand the serious nature that is La Couronne Monde Château Versailles and its court of justice MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Château Versailles.  I pray that your needs be answered.  If you are a person of prayer, I encourage you to read Communication area 3

Rental Units: Ferrusquilla:

For anyone interested the unit underneath our offices is an affordable short term or long term rental. Call Licenciado Guillermo Valdés Assessora Inmobliario Real Estate Broker. The quality of the interior, I could not tell you.  Ask for photographs.  memo.valdes@hotmail.com  669 920-6298.  Right now it is rented, but Guillermo has others.

Right next door to our offices no. 307 is another rental.  To rent next door contact Francisco Diaz (998)236-6738 or Claudia Miranda (998)236-6738.  The rental is in good condition, has a private terrace and a small ocean view.   

The Latest Ferrusquilla Information:

The left hand turn into Ferrusquilla while traveling down the boardwalk coming from Zona Dorada  is blocked  with pottery which carry plants.  They might change what they use to block the street with anything or even close it permanently. It might be blocked and unblocked intermittently depending on who is in charge on any given day.  The street Ferrusquilla (Jose Angel Espinoza Ferrusquilla) leads to our offices which are located just before “the old” central bus station. Coming from the beach, our offices are located on the left hand side of the street before the bus station in between Cruz Lizaraga and Rio Baluarte.  The left hand turn into Ferrusquilla was closed yesterday with pottery and plants, but it is not permanently closed, but things can change from day to day depending on what is happening.  


Our phone number dialing inside Mazatlan is still 669 954 0380 that’s ten digits. You used only have dial 7 digits if you lived in Mazatlan.  Now it is ten.  If this changes again, I will let everyone know. Also our offices do not have a sign as we are dedicated to many things. My iPhone (669) 925-9223. Visiting our offices is just like visiting an ordinary apartment or condominium on the third floor.  There are no elevators but railways for people who need support.  Our building address is 48AB or 48A-bis depending on how you want to say it.  Looking straight on to our building, just behind us to the left is building 48A.    

Humberto Ramirez

About Albert: (Humberto Ramirez): American Citizen: He was born March 25, 1956 in Indio California: He grew up in Los Angeles then later moved to New Mexico.  Sometimes Albert sits in front of our building like a guard.  I do not tell him to do that. Albert is not my guard, but a man I have taken compassion on. When Albert sits down in front of the building he usually drinks.  Albert is not always a clear thinker especially when he drinks.  Sometimes he passes out in the wheelchair he uses to sit in.  Albert uses a wheelchair to relax and also to work.  If you see him sitting in his wheelchair and he is drunk or not coherent, just bypass him and don’t ask him where I live or anything.  Just come upstairs to the third floor. If you want a formal introduction to Albert  I can arrange it at an appropriate time.        

Notes:  Albert worked on base at the United States Air Force for ten years and paid into a pension fund. He lost all his identification and social security in Mexico.  He qualifies now for Social Security and his pension. Inquiries for Albert (Humberto Chavez) by the U.S. Government or his family made be made through this office (669) 954-0380.  A very long time ago Albert gave up trying to return home.  The U.S. consulate was no help to him.


Alberts Section

Albert Chavez, was born in Indio California in 1956. He is a divorced man with children. Albert who has a very nice personality meets people from all over the world.  He has met a German man and his family on vacation here at the compound. He has met Haitians and families and people from Canada and Latin America.  He gets very excited when meeting Americans.   This last month alone Albert met people from Houston Texas, Austin Texas, Mexico City and various parts of Mexico who rent vacation units near or on the grounds of the complex at Ferrusquilla.   Albert went to school and was raised in Los Angeles.  He later went to live in New Mexico and lived in Navaho country for little bit.  He has a lot of Navaho stories.   Albert is a hard worker but his body at times gives out.  He does try not to drink so much and keeps his clothes clean. He has a free room up four flights of stars, but sometimes has problem getting to it, because of his knees.  He has a very good attitude, is friendly and helps many people including our offices.  The offices and community also help him. 



World Crown beach offices in Mazatlan (669) 954-0380:  No critical contact has been made with our offices.  Technical support is steady.    May the Holy Spirit give us a good blessing on the justice and intervention that we need to get things done in every part of the world.  I pray for everyone especially those who are physically or psychologically sick.  I pray for your peace. My peace I give you and may the peace of the Holy Spirit which surpasses all understanding be with you also.



The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.  The Daily Page in English or Spanish 


Thinking Health


 “Thinking health,” is the max.  Good “thinking health” requires perfect dietary, cardiovascular and muscular health consciousness at every stage of your life.  Life is a series of decisions.  The better your “thinking health” the better decisions you will make. From decisions about your future, such as which college you will attend, decisions at home, work and business    your “thinking health” plays an important role in life.  “Thinking health” is wisdom.  You may have a nice, physically good looking body, but how is your “thinking health?” You may have good cardiovascular health, but how is your “thinking health?.”   The way you think can be affected by polluted air, drinking, wearing a coronavirus mask for long periods of time and even racism.  People wearing fully restrictive masks for long periods of time acquire impaired thinking and risk many health problems including cardiac arrests.   Good “thinking health”and maintaining regular physical health requires that you not to restrict your breathing. 

“Thinking health” requires breathing fresh air, getting exercise and being in good shape.  And so naturally people who are disabled have to work harder at their “thinking health,” than people who are not disabled.  Being disabled limits your ability to exercise. I do not like the idea of limited exercise.  Prosthetics are nice, but they tire.  The brain functions at its best when the heart, muscles and cardiovascular are thoroughly worked and when the blood in the circulatory system is clean. So bicycling and exercise equipment are important to my life. So is rest.  Good sleep and a nice nap is good for your “thinking health.”    



MMXII 2023 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications:  Over these last ten years no contacts by representatives or  lawyers representing regulation,  the news industry, social media, religious groups or any politicians have made contact. I have full confidence we shall resolve this statement when the time is at hand.   Do your best to reach me and take time to pray.       

MMXII 2023 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications: : No complaints have been made to our offices. Should things go smoothly the world crown will post as usual on the first of every month.

MMXII 2023 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications: News:  Do you still use the Internet?  So do we.  Did you know that news and information are in a state of emergency?   The Daily Page in English and Spanish is translatable into any language in the world.    

More about The Daily Pages at ABN Offices 

MMXII 2023 UTC+12: My Journal: Health: UTC + 14: W.H.O.:  The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language. 

My Journal:  UTC + 12:Jose Maria Chavira M.S:  Communications areas: 


MMXII My Journal Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum