May 29, 2022 My Journal

Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes,78000 France

World Crown beach offices in Mazatlan (669) 954-0380

MMXII May 29, 2022 UTC+14: My Journal:  Yesterday, I had lunch with both my parents  my aunt and her boyfriend at a favorite restaurant of ours.   Afterwards I checked annual fees with Inbursa who had no messages to report.  There are general problems with communications in many areas involving various organizations which could be in my control, but are out of my control.  These are a result of the news and information emergency and the general decline.



In the judgment of God I am not permitted to gloat, to see whose been judged and who has not been judged.  But sometimes the Holy Spirit leads me to a landscape which I can see and have I a responsibility to carry through my duties.    I am afraid there are still freemasons who have failed to warn each other and inform each other adequately about the Judgment of God against Freemasonry.    The same goes for professional communists, socialist and all those dedicated to tyranny and corruption.  Mo matter how worshipful Freemasons are, no matter much they pray in Jesus name and at the time honoring their grandmasters who have been judged by God, I have to continue judging Freemasonry.  No matter how friendly communist, socialists and democracies make their conspiracies look, I have to keep judging them.

As each day passes people who could be save by repentance risk being judged by God, especially for continuing in heresy, or their secret rites and observances. Despite any laws created inside any country or organizational laws, the judgment of God supercedes all legal defenses.  Freemasonry,  communist, socialist and democracy corruption and  tyranny have no defense before the judgment of God.    I know if I were freemason and I came upon the writings of the judgment of God I would stop being a freemason and repent and incline toward our Holy Spirit,  the real God. 



The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.  The Daily Page in English or Spanish 


Thinking Health


 “Thinking health,” is the max.  Good “thinking health” requires perfect dietary, cardiovascular and muscular health consciousness at every stage of your life.  Life is a series of decisions.  The better your “thinking health” the better decisions you will make. From decisions about your future, such as which college you will attend, decisions at home, work and business    your “thinking health” plays an important role in life.  “Thinking health” is wisdom.  You may have a nice, physically good looking body, but how is your “thinking health?” You may have good cardiovascular health, but how is your “thinking health?.”   The way you think can be affected by polluted air, drinking, even wearing a coronavirus mask for long periods of time.  People wearing fully restrictive masks for long periods of time acquire impaired thinking and risk many health problems including cardiac arrests.   Good “thinking health”and maintaining regular physical health requires that you not to restrict your breathing. 

“Thinking health” requires breathing fresh air, getting exercise and being in good shape.  And so naturally people who are disabled have to work harder at their “thinking health,” than people who are not disabled.  Being disabled limits your ability to exercise. I do not like the idea of limited exercise.  Prosthetics are nice, but they tire.  The brain functions at its best when the heart, muscles and cardiovascular are thoroughly worked and when the blood in the circulatory system is clean. So bicycling and exercise equipment are important to my life. So is rest.  Good sleep and a nice nap is good for your “thinking health.”    



MMXII May 29 , 2022: My Journal: Communications: No contacts by representatives or  lawyers representing regulation,  the news industry, social media, religious groups or any politicians have made contact. I have full confidence we shall resolve this statement when the time is at hand.   Do your best to reach me and take time to pray.      

MMXII May 29, 2022: My Journal: Communications: No complaints have been made to our offices. Should things go smoothly the world crown will post as usual. 

MMXII May 29 2022: My Journal: News:  Do you still use the Internet?  So do we.  Did you know that news and information are in a state of emergency?   The Daily Page in English and Spanish has for years addressed the news and information emergency. It is very different from any other service you may read and is translatable into any language in the world.    

MMXII May 29 2022: My Journal:  UTC + 14: W.H.O.:  The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language. 

MMXII May 29 2022: My Journal:  UTC + 14:Jose Maria Chavira M.S:  Communications areas: 


MMXII My Journal Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum