February 22, 2022 Welcome to my MMXII Journal

Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes,78000 France

World Crown beach offices in Mazatlan (669) 954-0380

MMXII February 22,  2022 UTC+14: Mazatlan:  Workers from the Department of Health stopped by the offices.  It pleases me to see and talk with government workers.  I helped guide them also with other units in the compound.

I noticed today that the year 2021 and not 2022 appeared on various posts. Tampering with dates occurs on various websites of ours.  Justice usually follows acts of tampering  and on charges far more serious.  Tampering with people’s websites and their writing is a sign of mental illness. In situations like we have today you can never blame WordPress who give us excellent technical support.   If something happens at YouTube we stopped blaming YouTube a long time ago knowing terrorists are behind these things.  Tampering with peoples writings, websites and destroying and stealing people’s intellectual and personal property is what terrorists do.  Though tampering and destruction of a person’s personal property is serious matter, terrorists are brought to justice for being part of a greater conspiracy  and on more serious charges.



In all things,  we encourage contact and working with the world crown.  If contact is not possible please read Communication area 3.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei


MMXII My Journal Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum