September 30, 2021. Welcome to my MMXII Journal

Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes,78000 France

Welcome to the general log at the MMXII Journal. The general log is a task that I cannot seem to escape from.  It is a very basic and brief report.

Goals for others to consider: To sustain good communication, relations and person to person contact with our beach offices (669) 954-0380

MMXII September 30, 2021 UTC+14  Mazatlan:  No contact whatsoever by anyone important to events important my life and to each nation on this earth was made in the month of September.

Hello everyone. It is a time special time when through the power of judgment God makes straight the crooked road. Help each other towards good things and always pray and live a penitent life. JC 09262021

MMXII September 29, 2021 UTC+14  Mazatlan:  For many years now building electrical services which house meters have been left opened an unprotected allowing theft.   New waves of thefts occurring to peoples electrical meters have started, the stealing of 220s.  Some buildings still have protection but no locks. Some buildings do not.  Those buildings which did have locks have been ordered to remove their locks by local  electric company workers allowing thieves access to electrical meters, which also have in the past been stolen.  Justice at every level of life continues.

MMXII September 28, 2021 UTC+14  Mazatlan:  Yesterday we went to BBVA and things were much more relaxed when entering the building.  The city was peaceful and there was good movement. Yesterday while driving around we noticed small businesses differ from major businesses in the manner in which they deal with the current situation.   In large businesses, people are still unnecessarily paranoid and scared.  Nothing is being done to calm their fears.  A huge coronavirus  brainwashing operation is still in effect, one of many.  So when justice happens during the general decline, no one who reads our warnings against coronavirus and all political conspiracies should be surprised.

While at Sams, I checked in with  INBURSA and there everything was great.  At Sams no coronavirus certificate was asked for.   Sams and INBURSA employees and people like them are the still the apple of my eye, despite how they have conditioned by the coronavirus mafia which is daily brought justice.  We can unconditional people just as easily.

MMXII September 17-27, 2021 UTC+14  In different parts the world, some businesses, not all of them, which were requiring coronavirus certificates, have stopped requiring them; and people can again shop in peace.  Other restrictions however remain in place.  Coronavirus restrictions are taking lives. Information terrorism, rules and restrictions terrorism, and direct assaults, have proven much more deadly than viral terrorism.   Young, middle aged and people in very good physical conditioned have died after they were vaccinated for coronavirus and also while complying with coronavirus rules and restrictions.  A common cause of death is cardiac arrest brought upon by the body’s inability to overcome the effects of long periods of time wearing highly restrictive coronavirus masks. (Carbon Intoxication and poisoning.)

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei: A General Report 

This is a general report.  As we continue in tribulation and a general decline, very aggressive nazi-like restrictions by some businesses and vaccinations under the authority of false central governments have taken the lives of a small percentage of people who cooperated with everything required of them.    However, terrorists decline in much greater numbers. As the world continues in tribulation, trial and judgment, people in good health and who have been vaccinated and cooperated  with all that was asked of them have died in many countries by heart attacks and other medical conditions. Carbon dioxide poisoning or bad vaccines are suspected.  Those in conspiracy should not be surprised at the decline of their international terrorists army.  God knows the resolve of men and people determined to conspire and cleanse the human race.  This reckoning with white supremacy and the people they have corrupted in each nation has been long in coming.

To be fair to each nation, no names of countries will be given in the general complaint.  These are days for citizens of each country to pray for their countries and each other.   Repentance and right action is a daily affair for those wanting to make amends for their actions.

There is no important communication to report from lawyers representing businesses, organizations,  central government or otherwise.  Coronavirus continues to be a conspiracy, a racket and a crime judged by God together with other conspiracies in health, organizations, business and politics.

Meanwhile critical government services and law enforcement remains stable. Technical support by TELEMEX and New York Business services remains good.   Business and banking is in good shape, but coronavirus, political terrorism, business terrorism and poor communication continues to hurt us in many different ways.  With the grace and help of the Holy Spirit, US & Mexico government support of our work with TCC The Crown Corporation, JC Angelcraft, our activism all of which is the work of World Crown, remains steady. No complaints have come in and technical support remains good.  

Apart from coronavirus, many conspiracies remain in place and so no one should be surprised after each wave of justice has taken effect.  The World Crown has shown everyone the problem and the solution.  No matter how well or poorly they present themselves, tyrants and corruption are no meant to rule the world forever.    When better communication succeeds in establishing itself with the telephone number 52 669 954-0380, we will be close to the end of political, news and information emergency. However, until we are perfect in our conduct, we will need the force of God’s justice and the power  of the Holy Spirit to help us in all things.    

MMXII September 7-16 UTC+14  There is no important communication to report from lawyers representing business, organizations, or government.  Thousands of leaders worldwide have been brought to justice. There exists many false central governments controlled by terrorists who push their coronavirus. Many deaths which could have been avoided have occurred.  People who have been vaccinated have died.  People in good shape the prime of their lives who wore highly restrictive coronavirus masks have died.

On the bright side the Holy Spirit is helping us and blessing the justice we need to stop every conspiracy in motion. Every day, terrorism and the numbers of terrorists are reduced dramatically.

MMXII September 6, 2021 Yesterday on Sunday I was woken up by INBURSA.  Later in the day I sent a driver to visit with a bank executive from INBURSA to check for messages and also to finish some other business .

MMXII September 5, 2021 UTC+14 No important communication to report from lawyers representing any politician who has been brought to justice or the news and information industry.  There are some businesses, business and organizational lawyers and persons who should be in contact and are not, these represent another cycle of business and justice. False central governments at the state and national levels in many countries remain in decline.  Violent, agressive, deceptive and corrupt political creeds continue in decline, but government services remain in acceptable working order.  Electric, water. and power are in acceptable working order where in place. Banking and business are acceptable but good be better.

MMXII September 3, 2021 UTC+14 Everyone’s tones got through on the Motorola units.  Your verifications  are  now authenticated.  I am going to do my best to keep positive for the rest of the month, but remember I am in the snake pit every day and the only relief I get is that which I give myself.

MMXII September 3, 2021 UTC+14 The telephone is working. After a thorough investigation I was reminded to check all the phones in the offices.  We have four and in one of the rooms one telephone was slightly off the hook.  Thank you for praying.   I can’t walk right now. My foot is still tender.  While injured, I exercise on my back, I lift weights, I do the tipped over lady bug (for my abdomen) and the lazy jogger.

I know I may come off like a  detective sometimes, but I still have to prosecute and execute the judgment of God to protect you.  If you are a good person there is nothing to worry about. Thank you also for caring about me. I care about all of you as well.  We have lot of scripture this month on the Daily Page in English and Spanish. The  World Health Organization’s emergency information portals and topics section have been updated for vaccine information  in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.

MMXII September 2, 2021 UTC+14  General Communications:  While exercising on my bicycle I suffered a small foot sprain and can’t walk very well.  I try to ride at least between 12-26 miles per day.  My heart is in good condition.  I am o.k. and self treating and can still attend to business and anyone who visits the offices.   Telephone number 669 954-0380 works.      

When creating Angelcraft Crown World Bank and Reserve I found this commercial and said, “This is me  as a Japanese man,”  “Poor guy got, beat out of his leg.  “How could he have cancer?” I asked myself.  He does not look like a smoker to me?   Cancer, and especially bone cancer used to be much rarer then all of a sudden millions of amputations began to occur worldwide, another industry was started and business boomed, at least for a short while. Coronavirus and many other diseases are also business. Terrorists will also fix statistics and lie and say that accidents are the reasons people get amputations, either way there used to be no escaping their white supremacy. Is it any wonder God has come to our rescue.     

It is important to remember that in medical industry we have the best of people. At least I think so and I have been associated with some of the best doctors in the world.  In the health industry, however, we also have terrorists.  White supremacy doctors are the absolute worst, that is because they are into terrorism and ethnic cleansing.  During the general decline it is also important to pray for each other, pray for doctors, pray for nurses and pray for healthcare, and for those who don’t have access to medical care.

MMXII Sept 1, 2021 UTC+14 Telecommunications: Dial tone at 669 954-0380  has been out of order for going on 24 hours.  The internet works.  Electric and water also work.  Telmex is working on a solution.


This world is in decline because of terrorism. We encourage contact and working with world crown.

MMXII Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei


MMXII My Journal Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum