113 Rio Piaxtla  is scheduled for for some minor activity today.  Nothing life changing.  

Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st nom de plume JC Angelcraft

Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JCAngelcraft La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes,78000 France

The Providence of God will not fail in delivering you a better world.  

Table of Contents:

  • Section 1: General Communications
  • Section 2: Molcajete & Steak Service  (Updated)
  • Section 3: Peace Monument (Reviewed)
  • Section 4: Phones. (Updated)
  • Section 5: (Updated) Reincarnation & The Human condition 
  • Section 6: Questions about reincarnation (Fixed)
  • Section 7:  “Life and memories are about the here and now” (Joseph Smith) before Gestalt Therapy
  • Section 8: Banking & Business
  • Section 9: 113 Rio Piaxtla Information
  • Section 10: Rental Units: Ferrusquilla:
  • Section 11: Latest Ferrusquilla Information 
  • Section 12:  Telecommunications 
  • Section 13:  Albert’s Section (Updated) 
  • Section 14:  First Contact Info- 
  • Section 15: World Health Organization Emergency Services
  • Section 16: Thinking Health
  • Section 17: My Journal: Communications:

Section 1

MMXII  June 13, 2024 UTC+12: First Contact Offices:  113 Rio Piaxtla  is scheduled for for some minor activity today.  Nothing life changing.   Above we added some piano music to our video of Casa Country a great restaurant.  I also want to thank those of you who pray for Albert and the community for looking after his dog a white bull terrier.

MMXII 13 de Junio de 2024 UTC+12: Oficinas de primer contacto: 113 Río Piaxtla está programado para alguna actividad menor hoy.Nada que cambie la vida. Arriba agregamos algo de música de piano a nuestro video de Casa Country, un gran restaurante. También quiero agradecer a aquellos de ustedes que oran por Albert y la comunidad por cuidar a su perro un bull terrier color blanco.  


Molcajete & Steak Service 

Section 2

Casa country in Mazatlan has two dishes which don’t stop sizzling: the Molcajete and the Steak service for 2-4 people per grill depending on how much each person eats.  In the steak services, grill(s) continue to cook throughout the meal so if you don’t like your meat well done consider ordering your steak Ala cart.    

Molcajete is a most impressive dish and cooked and served in volcanic rock which conducts and retains heat very well.  Molcajete reminds me a little of sizzling rice soup that I eat in Chinese restaurants only Molcajete sizzles for a long time.  People use this style to cook and eat chicken, steak and seafood and combine them with chilies, onions, tomatoes, salsa and vegetables.  This cookware is readily available in countries predisposed to this rustic style of cooking.  Unheated, the cookware is used to grind chiles, nuts and make salsa.  We recommend using vinegar to clean them in order to keep them always ready for the next meal.  

For being rustic and indigenous, Molcajete is the most elegant and impressive meal on the planet.  Thank God for Indigenous people and their cultures.  Racists will never do away with them.   Molcajete is also a very well thought through way of cooking.  Not just anyone can cook with volcanic rock.  You have to learn how to make the rock hot and cook and keep from getting burned.  Make sure to ask a professional restaurant with experience in Molcajete for instructions in how to work with volcanic rock and cook fabulous meals in them.   03152023

 Peace monument

Section 3

I think the Peace monument below is a lovely well done Providential monument.  In it the Spirit of Woman weeps as great justice had freed us from racism worldwide.  It would be  followed up by the Statue of Liberty the French conforming the Providence and blessing the United States with a great commemoration.  

Right now the Peace monument is used as a sailor’s monument.  Nothing wrong with that.  When I think of sailors I think of Nancy Knight M.D. and all the good men and women who serve in the Navy.  I could never take away their monument, but nothing will prohibit me from putting it into a greater, more correct  and more historical Providential context.

I know that this sailors monument has its specific definition. but here is what I think.  You see our First Lady of Liberty holding what looks like her blindfold high in the hair with cherubs on either side one holding a triton?  The meaning of Lady Liberty removing her blindfold  and holding it in her hand high in the air signifies the statement “blind justice no more,”  you know that people are being judged or have been judged. 

The triton held in one Cherub’s hand has long been symbol of scale, measure and the  judgment of God.  If nothing else was added to it, this small statue in and of itself with the 2 cherubs is complete enough to stand by itself as a  monument that indicates a Judgement of God took place.   

But look further up.  Further up says to me that  in this Judgment of God, not only is this no longer “blind justice” but we have recorded the names of men who have been judged.  The monument transmits  the feeling of Man and Woman as a team working together.   But some say the statue is in fact two women.  Nothing wrong with that either. 

If records reveal the names of sailors who died in battle or by accident,  well let us say a prayer for those sailors and let us also remember that the 1800s was a great judgment of God worthy of such a monument 


Section 4

 Our office doors are also open Monday-Friday 12-5.  We still have two phones by which to contact me. 669 954 0380 and 669 925 9223 

Everyone knows where First Contact offices are and I don’t live my life expecting anyone in particular or important that show in the news to call me knowing the Presidents and many important people [are] gone!  Judged by God!  

No one of any authority which contradicts my own seems to last and so I have to be in charge of many things without being disturbed by the latest “authority group,”  those that look to overturn my authority.   This Providence is about working with me and not against me.  

People of importance will one day make contact with me and will not be from my immediate family, but will become in an instant my family once again.   

Reincarnation & The Human condition 

Section 5

I am so against trying to convince people of anything. But my Holy Spirit requires me to communicate about many things uncaring of the unbelief and criticism of the human condition.  

I don’t know why I wrote this below.  And I have ignored it now for many postings.  Perhaps I wrote it because I again I find myself teaching old theology.  You must be born again.  Reincarnation is old theology. The oldest and the most basic form of knowledge whose origins come from our Holy Spirit in Heaven. 

Your souls are miracles of engineering and not so you can lounge around forever in Heaven after you die.  There is work to be done on Earth and souls are engineered to live and exist between Heaven and Earth where you can also rest and even enjoy a regular life,  in a regular occupation.  That Christian man who delivers your mail just might have been a Dahli Lama in his last life.   

Questions about Reincarnation  

Section 6

Why don’t we remember?

One of the most common questions is  “if we are old souls, why don’t we remember?” 

The human condition and human body prohibits all of us from our Heavenly memories.  When the soul takes on human form, the human brain is used to store memories of life.  

The human body is not designed to carry your memories from your past lives.  

If you could access your past lives through your brain, you would remember all your lives, all your children, all your spouses, all your relationships, all your religions, and worse yet all your deaths and all your mistakes.       

If you could access your past lives through your brain, it would be socially, culturally and spiritually confusing,  incredibly distracting and would drive you crazy.   

The soul is designed to hold lots of memory. 

By comparison to the brain, the soul is designed to hold and process lots of memory.  The soul is the place which stores your past lives.  The soul is a different form of memory storage.

The brain and the central nervous system can’t access the soul’s memories.  The souls memories can only be accessed when we are in our Heavenly state.  

When we are in our Heavenly state we can process and remember more than when we are in the human condition.   There is also wisdom to our memories and the Holy Spirit helps to manage your soul’s memories and in Heaven will not let anything hurt you.  

 If you die in a very bad mental and spiritual state, you will have to process your life with the Holy Spirit admit your sins and become pure again so you can interact with Heaven again.  Purgatory is different for everyone.  There is justice both on Earth and in Heaven. 

In most cases you will have remembered that in previous trips to Heaven that you have already thoroughly processed your past lives, but still your curiosity still might be aroused.  If so the Holy Spirit will help you to process your curiosity safely.  You also have your very own books of life.  

A soul is a child of a Heavenly Being.  That would be you.  Our Holy Spirit caters to each soul and gives each soul individual attention.  

 “Life and memories are about the here and now”

(Joseph Smith the renaissance of the 1800s) before Gestalt Therapy

How are your memories relevant to me and First Contact? 

Section 7

I don’t think I will remember you from a past life unless the Holy Sprit approves that memory between us.   Our past lives are not important.  It is the here and now, the present that matters most.  

Section 7.1

I know one day my life will be even more busier than it is.  I can’t imagine my life being on the phone all day.  As I expect people to do things for me right now, when the time comes, I will expect them to handle my phone calls but only after 6 months to a year in telephone and physical contact with those destined by manifest destiny to work with me and the Holy Spirit and be part of our administration.    As it stands no nothing but fate stands between you and me.  I leave nothing to chance.  First Contact Offices have no royal guards, no red tape, no politics and no excuses.  If you are destined to meet with me, you will, if not then not.  I meet people all the time, only not officially, not as the World Crown, but as Jose Maria Chavira M.S. owner of JC Angelcraft & TCC The Crown Corporation and  overseer, operator of hundreds of emergency services.  I am also still Special Agent in Charge of the United States of America and I have extended that to Mexico and the world.    

Banking & Business

Section 8 

Banking & technology remains generally stable.  But there are little problems which can be fixed.  

La Couronne Monde Chateau Versailles

The new world crown is 7  years old now.  Some say twice as old.  But God’s Throne is always in existence. If you doubt me look at the Majesty of the Vatican, the Versailles,  Taj Mahal, Medina, every Royal Palace and political building ever dedicated to God.  Even the minarets of Moscow pay tribute to the glory of our Holy Spirit.   Not to forget every Cathedral, Shrine, Church, Temple, Mosque and Tabernacle where its throne reaches the hearts and minds of men and women.  The world without fault is the throne of our Holy Spirit.  

Rio Piaxtla Information:

Section 9

113 Rio Piaxtla in Palos Prietos is another way to find me. I have my parents there.  It is one black from the beach.  But I am usually in my offices like a fireman in a first responder mode 

Rental Units: Ferrusquilla:

Section 10

For anyone interested the unit underneath our offices is an affordable short term or long term rental. Call Licenciado Guillermo Valdés Assessora Inmobliario Real Estate Broker. The quality of the interior, I could not tell you.  Ask for photographs.  memo.valdes@hotmail.com  669 920-6298.  Right now it is rented, but Guillermo has others.

Right next door to our offices no. 307 is another rental.  To rent next door contact Francisco Diaz (998)236-6738 or Claudia Miranda (998)236-6738.  The rental is in good condition, has a private terrace and a small ocean view.   

The Latest Ferrusquilla Information:

Section 11

The left hand turn into Ferrusquilla while traveling down the boardwalk coming from Zona Dorada  is sometimes blocked  with pottery which carry plants.   The street Ferrusquilla (Jose Angel Espinoza Ferrusquilla) leads to our offices which are located just before “the old” central bus station. Coming from the beach, our offices are located on the left hand side of the street before the bus station in between Cruz Lizaraga and Rio Baluarte.  The left hand turn into Ferrusquilla is sometimes closed with pottery and plants, but it is not permanently closed. Things can change from day to day depending on what is happening.  


Section 12

Our phone number dialing inside Mazatlan is still 669 954 0380 that’s ten digits.  My iPhone (669) 925-9223. Visiting our offices is just like visiting an ordinary apartment or condominium on the third floor.  There are no elevators and only 2 units on the 3rd and 4th floor.  Our building address is 48AB or 48A-Bis depending on how you want to say it.  Looking straight on to our building, just behind us to the left is building 48A.    Looking straight at our building to right of us is 48B. 

Albert’s Section 

Section 13

About Albert: (Humberto Ramirez): American Citizen: Albert was born March 25, 1956 in Indio California in 1956.  He died May 21, 2024.  He was 68 years old.  Albert worked on base at the United States Air Force for ten years and paid into a pension fund. He lost all his identification and social security in Mexico. His body is being held for 3 months since the date May 21, 2024.  It can be reclaimed by family and with appropriate documentation

First Contact Information 

Section 14

World Crown beach offices in Mazatlan (669) 954-0380:  No critical contact has been made with our offices.  Technical support is steady.    May the Holy Spirit give us a good blessing on the justice and intervention that we need to get things done in every part of the world.  I pray for everyone especially those who are physically or psychologically sick.  I pray for your peace. My peace I give you and may the peace of the Holy Spirit which surpasses all understanding be with you also.

World Health Organization Emergency Services

Section 15

The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language.  The Daily Page in English or Spanish 

Thinking Health


 “Thinking health,” is the max.  Good “thinking health” requires perfect dietary, cardiovascular and muscular health consciousness at every stage of your life.  Life is a series of decisions.  The better your “thinking health” the better decisions you will make. From decisions about your future, such as which college you will attend, decisions at home, work and business    your “thinking health” plays an important role in life.  “Thinking health” is wisdom.  You may have a nice, physically good looking body, but how is your “thinking health?” You may have good cardiovascular health, but how is your “thinking health?.”   The way you think can be affected by polluted air, drinking, wearing a coronavirus mask for long periods of time and even racism.  People wearing fully restrictive masks for long periods of time acquire impaired thinking and risk many health problems including cardiac arrests.   Good “thinking health”and maintaining regular physical health requires that you not to restrict your breathing. 

“Thinking health” requires breathing fresh air, getting exercise and being in good shape.  And so naturally people who are disabled have to work harder at their “thinking health,” than people who are not disabled.  Being disabled limits your ability to exercise. I do not like the idea of limited exercise.  Prosthetics are nice, but they tire.  The brain functions at its best when the heart, muscles and cardiovascular are thoroughly worked and when the blood in the circulatory system is clean. So bicycling and exercise equipment are important to my life. So is rest.  Good sleep and a nice nap is good for your “thinking health.”    


MMXII 2024 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications:  Over these last ten years no contacts by representatives or  lawyers representing regulation,  the news industry, social media, religious groups or any politicians have made contact. I have full confidence we shall resolve this statement when the time is at hand.   Do your best to reach me and take time to pray.       

MMXII 2024 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications: : No complaints have been made to our offices. Should things go smoothly the world crown will post as usual on the first of every month.

MMXII 2024 UTC+14: My Journal: Communications: News:  Do you still use the Internet?  So do we.  Did you know that news and information are in a state of emergency?   The Daily Page in English and Spanish is translatable into any language in the world.    

More about The Daily Pages at ABN Offices 

MMXII 2024 UTC+12: My Journal: Health: UTC + 14: W.H.O.:  The World Health Organization’s emergency information portals in Spanish  and English  may be translated into any language. 

My Journal:  UTC + 12:Jose Maria Chavira M.S:  Communications areas: 


MMXII My Journal Orbis Terrarum Judicii Dei Per Benedictvs Espiritvs Sancti La Couronne Monde Château Versailles Place d’Armes, 78000 France,  Le bureau de JV Agnvs Dei Verbvm Dei Filvs Dei Jose Maria Chavira MS Adagio 1st Primogentivs Fivs Dei Hominis Espiritvs Dominus Dominorum est et Rex Regum et Reginarum nom de plume JC Angelcraft Rex Angeli in gratia Espiritvs Sancti Rex Intima, Rex Universvm, Quod pastor est cor meum